Si Viene de La Tierra - Canticuenticos
"Si Viene de La Tierra" is a song by Spanish children's music group Canticuenticos.
The song is about how all living creatures on earth are connected and that we must take care of our planet. The lyrics make references to nature and the environment, and encourage listeners to be respectful of the world around them. The upbeat melody and cheerful chorus make the song a fun and uplifting experience.
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The song is about how all living creatures on earth are connected and that we must take care of our planet. The lyrics make references to nature and the environment, and encourage listeners to be respectful of the world around them. The upbeat melody and cheerful chorus make the song a fun and uplifting experience.
About Lingopie
Learn a new language by watching TV shows and movies with clickable subtitles. Get instant access to hundreds of great foreign TV shows in the language you are learning.
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