Pedro Navaja - Rubén Blades
"Pedro Navaja" is a salsa song written by Rubén Blades and recorded by the salsa singers, Willie Colón & Rubén Blades. It was released in 1978 and is part of the album Siembra, the best selling album in the history of salsa
Pedro Navaja narrates the last moments of this character and a prostitute in a street of the "old neighborhood". The song was recorded by the author after his insistence before the directors of the Fania Records label who refused to record it, as it was very long.
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Pedro Navaja narrates the last moments of this character and a prostitute in a street of the "old neighborhood". The song was recorded by the author after his insistence before the directors of the Fania Records label who refused to record it, as it was very long.
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