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The benefits of learning a new language with songs
Do you ever wish there was a more efficient way to learn a new
language? Music lovers can now learn a new language with Lingopie
Music! It's fun and easy because you'll learn vocabulary and
grammar while listening to your favorite songs 💃🏻

Getting Started
With everything from hits to classic songs, Lingopie Music has
something for everyone. Enjoy your favorite songs while learning a
new language. Click any word to learn its translation and grammar
instantly. Listen and sing along to the lyrics with the full
transcript. Take language learning to the next level by learning
in context with slang, key phrases, and grammar - it’s all here.

What is the next step?
With Lingopie, you can keep learning a new language with TV shows
and movies. Learn a new language while you binge-watch great TV
shows and Movies. With Lingopie, you can learn new vocabulary,
grammar, and comprehension while watching top video content from
all over the world. Lingopie makes learning a new language easier
than ever!
Lingopie is changing the
language learning game
language learning game
Jump into the culture and learn a new language straight from TV,
movies, and more.